About Alan Plummer

Alan Plummer Associates, Inc. (APAI), founded in 1978, is well known for quality, integrity, and a vision to uphold environmental stewardship and technical excellence.

Dedicated to water resources and environmental engineering, APAI balances sound engineering principles with innovative technology and cost-effective solutions for municipalities, river authorities, and utility districts throughout the southern United States.

With Public Works projects ranging from wastewater treatment plants and water treatment plants to regulatory support, Alan Plummer tracks acre-feet of project information: schedules, RFIs, submittals, invoices, bids and documents, for example.

Since 2008, Alan Plummer has utilized Projectmates Construction Project Management Software for its construction project scheduling, construction RFI and submittal management, construction contract management, and construction document management functionalities. By drastically simplifying all their complex business processes, APAI now spends less time shuffling paperwork and more time focusing on their core business of water conservation, preservation, and purification.

About Projectmates

Today's Public Works projects are faster-paced than ever before. Projectmates web-based construction project management software exceeds clients' expectations with real-time, up-to-the-minute access to the most accurate information to keep each team member on target, saving critical downtime and drastically reducing project delays.

Projectmates is the most comprehensive cloud-based construction management software for Public Works projects available today. Projectmates integrates multiple online construction workflow management tools to create collaborative project management software — meaning each team member can view project schedules and tasks as well as enter their own updates from the field to capture accurate data in real time.

A major advantage to using online construction management software for managing Public Works projects is the ability to centralize communication and project information. Great web-based project management software collects all project information in one centralized location, accessible to all team players with role-based security.

The first key element in great web-based project collaboration software for Public Works projects is a comprehensive online Document Management suite. Projectmates Document Management allows the sharing of any type of documents and includes a built-in document viewer to allow users to open documents directly in the Projectmates online construction project management portal.

In addition to document management, Projectmates includes several features key to assist construction accounting software, including construction bid management, construction contract management, and integration with enterprise accounting software.

Projectmates Project Management Software for Construction
Systemates, Inc.
Richardson, Texas
Phone: 214.217.4100